Work Party 30-10-22 Report


This work party was attended by Neal Debono, Jay Kent, Andrew Arkell, Lyndon Barrett, James Taylor, Barry Rosier, Ian Richardson and Dave Grant. The Club thanks these members for attending and for the excellent work carried out.

Special thanks must also go to Mr & Mrs Birmingham for allowing vehicle and tool access to the riverbank.

At peg 18 a tree had fallen across the Thames Pathway and it stretched three-quarters of the way into the river. It blocked the towpath, damaged the spiked boundary fence and became a navigation hazard. Furthermore the damage caused to spiked fence presented a danger to Anglers and the General Public using the towpath.

The work party members removed the fallen tree and the damaged spiked fence was made safe by removing its spiked section that protuded into the towpath. The tree was winched out of the river and corded up to facilitate its safe removal from the peg 18 area.

Below are some photographs taken on the day.

work party 1 picture work party 2 picture

Fallen Tree and Damaged Fence photographs.

work party 3 picture work party 4 picture

Work photographs

work party 5 picture work party 6 picture

More photographs

Posted by: Webmaster January 2023
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